For anyone trying something new with their health and fitness routine, a million questions can come to mind like, "How long will this take to see results? What are the most effective moves? How often should I do this?” I get a ton of questions from those interested in exploring how mobility can help them but unsure of where to start. Sound like you? Then keep reading...
It’s true. We’re all little snowflakes floating around and unique in our own way - from how our body is designed, what we respond to and so on. But there are a few similarities in why people start incorporating mobility in their workout:
Sick of old injuries flaring up: Sometimes it can seem like no matter how careful we are or how much time we take off from exercising, old injuries inevitably flare up…and of course it’s usually at the moment we start to think we’re “all better”.
Mitigate injury: Maybe you’re an athlete, or maybe you simply want to invest your time in taking care of your body in a preventative way.
You’re aches and pains are a pain in the “you know what”: When’s the last time you woke up in the morning and weren’t scared of how it would feel when you got out of bed?
Performance goals: This is a no brainer for many athletes and weekend warriors looking for a way to increase strength and performance by making movement more efficient.
So how can you get the most out of your routine?

Remember, mobility is all about control. Controlling your movement. Controlling your range of motion. Controlling your flexibility. Controlling the slightest movement in your spine, in your shoulder in your hip….
Think of a race car driver. Sure, they can drive that thing 200 miles an hour but how well can they weave in and out of other cars with control? Pretty dang tootin' well, right? Think of everything you do with your body the same way. Mobility work will help you gain control and that control will help you be awesome at everything you do.

Any mobility program should be done 3 times a week, however, we encourage clients to squeeze in a few reps everyday to keep the body moving. You’ve had years of use and abuse on your body and it’s going to take a little time to reverse that and get you where you want to be.
Some of my clients start to see results with this routine right away…from just noticing a better connection with their body, to feeling better each morning when they get out of bed. Don't forget - everyone's a snowflake, so for others it may take a couple of weeks. I can promise though, if you put in the time, you WILL see results.

Here's the "hack" no one tells you about....
As with anything, consistency is key to get where you want to be.
What? Were you hoping for a quick and easy mobility hack to ensure you get the best results, with the least amount of work? Sorry kiddos, this isn't an infomercial. Just like with the people who put in the time, those who are consistent with their mobility exercises are the ones who have incredible results.

We know time is precious, and you can never have enough of it. Luckily with most mobility work, you can actually break it up throughout the day. It’s all cumulative!
Some examples include:
Throw it in while at home watching TV, at work, or hanging out watching your kid's soccer game
Let’s say you have 10 minutes in the morning before you start getting ready for work. There are a few moves from our Kickstarter Class that you can do while still lying in bed. The person sleeping next to you might wonder what you’re doing but so what? You just set yourself up for a great day by getting this in.
Your friends called you up to go for a walk or a hike later today. Squeeze in some mobility exercises to get your body prepared to be physical. Your nervous system loves to be stimulated before working out and this is the perfect way to wake them up.

Most people I come into contact with have truly lost the ability to feel what their body is doing. By slowing everything down, and even closing your eyes, you begin to develop a greater connection with your body and what else? CONTROL. Eventually by building this connection up, you will start to learn what your body needs more of.
Also, keep in mind that speed hides need with mobility work, meaning we have a tendency to speed up where our bodies don’t like to be. So the first time you do some of these exercises, it most likely will feel really awkward and you’ll want to speed right through it. Well, that's your body's way of telling you, you need to spend more time there.

Above all, enjoy the process with your new mobility routine and your joints will start to thank you.
Want to learn more about mobility and why it’s so important? Check out this recent blog post that dives in to all of the mobility goodness you’re craving.
And as always, you can get more strength and mobility tips on my Instagram and Facebook pages or YouTube channel.

Matt is a Strength and Mobility Coach with over 15 years experience in his field and has coached over a thousand professional, collegiate and everyday athletes with the goal to help them move, feel and perform at their highest level. He's incredibly passionate about bringing simple and effective online mobility training programs to everyone who wants to take control of their self care and make lasting change. CLICK HERE to learn more.
NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Level 3: Fascial Stretch Specialist
Level 1: Institute of Motion Health Coach
Certified FRC Mobility Specialist (FRCms)
Level 1 Kinstretch Instructor
Weck Method Qualified